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Saved by dj.kroeger@...
on April 1, 2008 at 9:18:14 pm



Welcome to the Wiki for our NASA Mt. Everest Trek! We are very excited to bring you our experiences as we travel from the United States to hike to the base camp of Mt. Everest. Our group consists of 17 friends and family associated with Sabrina Singh (EVA flight controller for NASA/JSC) who is coordinating this trip. Our visit to Mt. Everest Base camp will roughly coincide with the summit bid by our friend and astronaut Scott Parazynski. For more blogger information about our group, please visit our Blog Site at http://nasaeveresttrek.blogspot.com/. You can also visit the OnOrbit/Everest blog at http://onorbit.com/Everest for more information on Scott's trip to the Summit.   

**Everyone on this trip is using personal funds and vacation time**


To find out more about us, please visit the Bios page on this Wiki site.


Of course, going to the Base Camp of Mt. Everest is no train ride.  Our group has been exercising appropriately to prepare for our trip in order to maximize our comfort during the trip.  To see what kind of things we have been doing for exercise see how we train like a Rocket Scientist.


If you have any comments for us, please leave us a comment.  In addition, if you have any questions for any of us, you can email nasaeveresttrek@gmail.com and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.  Of course, if it is during our trip, we might not be checking our email:)  See our Blog during that timeframe.



"From what you would know and measure, you must take leave, at least for a time.  Only after having left town, you see how high its towers rise above the houses" - Friedrich Nietzsche




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